保守主義Series-2--- E・Burke 『フランス革命の省察』に学ぶ; “法の支配”と「権力者の恣意」 [政治]




 なお、邦訳文は、半澤孝麿訳(『フランス革命の省察』、みすず書房)を基礎として、〔=ブログ作成者〕が更訂したものであり、邦訳文中の( )内は〔=ブログ作成者〕が補足説明したものである。

 It is true that, aided with powers derived from force and opportunity, the nation was at that time, in some sense, free to take what course it pleased for filling the throne; but only free to do so upon the same grounds on which they might have wholly abolished their monarchy, and every other part of their constitution.

 However they did not think such bold changes within their commission.

 It is indeed difficult, perhaps impossible, to give limits to the mere abstract competence of the supreme power, such as was exercised by parliament at that time; but the limits of a moral competence, subjecting, even in powers more indisputably sovereign, occasional will to permanent reason, and to the steady maxims of faith, justice, and fixed fundamental policy, are perfectly intelligible, and perfectly binding upon those who exercise any authority, under any name, or under any title, in the state.

 The House of Lords, for instance, is not morally competent to dissolve the House of Commons; no, nor even to dissolve itself, nor to abdicate, if it would, its portion in the legislature of the Kingdom. Though a king may abdicate for his own person, he cannot abdicate for the monarchy.

 By as strong, or by a stronger reason, the House of Commons cannot renounce its share of authority.

 The engagement and pact of society, which generally goes by the name of the constitution, forbids such invasion and such surrender.

 The constituent parts of a state are obliged to hold their public faith with each other, and with all those who derive any serious interest under their engagements, as much as the whole state is bound to keep its faith with separate communities.

 Otherwise competence and power would soon be confounded, and no law be left but the will of a prevailing force.

 On this principle the succession of the crown has always been what it now is, an hereditary succession by law; in the old line it was a succession by the common law; in the new by the statue of law, operating on the principles of the common law, not changing the substance, but regulating the mode, and describing the persons.

 Both these descriptions of law are of the same force, and are derived from an equal authority, emanating from the common agreement and original compact of the state, communi sponsione republicae, and as such are equally binding on king, and people too, as long as the terms are observed, and they continue the same body politic.6)

  6) Edmund Burke, “Reflections on the revolution in France”, Dover publications, Inc, pp.18-19.(『フランス革命の省察』、みすす書房、2728頁に対応)
















